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La nostra SEVI Experience

Scopri il nostro esclusivo gin artigianale, creato con passione e precisione nel cuore dell’Italia. Ogni goccia del nostro gin premium racchiude l’essenza di ingredienti selezionati, dalle bacche di ginepro ai botanici aromatici coltivati nelle nostre terre rigogliose. Con un processo di distillazione tradizionale e un tocco di innovazione, il nostro gin si distingue per il suo gusto equilibrato e la sua finitura morbida e raffinata.


Passion and experimentation are the undisputed protagonists of the path that led to the creation of Sevi Gin. Give yourself a real moment of pleasure: taste Sevi London Dry Gin, savor our passion.

We wanted it exactly like this.

A London Dry Gin that combines elegance and freshness , intense aromas and enveloping taste; elements that are for us the expression of the encounter between Italy and Greece

Our Vision

We want you too to be able to taste the essence of Sevi Gin and make it your own. Take part in this journey that has just begun, which tastes of craftsmanship , taste and desire .

01 Craftsmanship

In classical Greece, the technique, Technè, was what united art with craftsmanship, creating the essential connection that gives life to an excellent product. Find out what distinguishes our craftsmanship.

Discover the craftsmanship

02 Taste

Perhaps the most complex and subjective of the five senses, taste is undoubtedly the maximum expression of the exclusivity of Sevi Gin. Discover our taste, it will convince you too.

Discover the taste

03 Desire

Fruit of our imagination, but thought out to the smallest detail. Sevi Gin is our gift to you, it bears your name because it is the memory that gave birth to our desire.

Discover desire